Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dating Due Diligence

Isn't technology amazing? These days I can communicate with my friends and family, order the latest wedge sandal and have it shipped in 24 hours, and even sell random things from my home on Craigslist. BTW I have a great carpet from Target that I'm trying to sell so email me. Cash Only. $120 OBO.

But with these great technological advancements brings more opportunities to be connected and of course more openings to interconnect in really obtrusive ways.

Take for example an article I read yesterday on the Dating section of Apparently cheating was the topic of choice for the day and a woman had written in to the community asking for their advice.

She was getting ready to move in with her guy and wasn't quite sure if he was ready. So instead of having a normal adult conversation with him or god-forbid telling him she had decided she just couldn't move in yet, she went online to Facebook and set up a ghost profile. Insert stage right: Can of worms.

She pretended to be a (probably blonde) woman who reached out to him to chat innocently about life and over a few weeks their relationship grew and she asked him (note he did not ask her) to meet her in public. The night that her FB personality was supposed to meet him, she invited him over for dinner. He told her he was really tired and was just going to stay in (this is where Id like to point out that his behavior went from innocent to questionable).

Anyway the article went on and on. She confronted him, he was pissed that she had done such a juvenile thing (I agree) and they duked it out in the alleys. No seriously. The article ended with this woman soliciting the advice of the online community asking us (people like me for heavens sake!) what she should do.

There are a few things that I pointed out in the comments and then self-servingly put in a link back to my blog (sneaky):

1. If you have to pretend to be someone you're not to get an answer from the person who you intend to spend the rest of your life with, maybe it's time for some relationship inventory.

2. I am not siding with the guy. What he did was dishonest and questioned his trust. He could have just as easily said he was meeting a friend, etc.

3. If you're asking the world wide web whether or not you should trust your boyfriend, I'm going to go out on a limb and say ummmmm no.

I went out on a date with someone and he told me that he had googled me before he met me. He apparently was looking through my race times, my old blog (which he told me he didn't read much of because he got bored), and making sure I wasn't a crazy person. He asked me if I Googled him as well. I told him, if I want to know something about you I will just ask you.

So what's the point of all this Googleing, Facebooking, etc? Well if you Google me, there are results for someone with the exact same name - and she is married. There are also results for me, my family, and people I've never met before.

The point here ladies is that the world wide web should be what you use to email and read the news - not what you use to base your relationships. People have skeletons, fair enough. But if you have doubts or concerns why not take it old school (think 2way pager) and ask your partner directly. And of course if you don't believe him go online and Google away.


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