Thursday, July 1, 2010

Maybe it's a sign

This morning (after a great 5 mile run through downtown Chicago) I stopped at my mailbox. Realizing I hadn't checked my mail in 3-4 days and that I probably have bills to pay I opened up box 223 to find a large magazine at the very top of my mail.

There in plain view was the latest edition of "Exclusively Weddings". Their tag line? You want it perfect - we make it simple.

I quickly surveyed my current magazine subscriptions and recent purchases. Okay Women's Health, Glamour, Health Magazine. Nope, no sign of a wedding there. Recent online purchases : Converse shoes from TARGET, wall decals from Blik, a couple of 5k sign-ups. Yep, none of those really scream, "sell my info to a wedding catalogue, I'm ready to tie the knot!"

I feel as if this could mean one of two things:

1. I'm going to meet some amazing guy really soon, get engaged, married, and live happily after, or;
2. Someone got me mixed up with another single girl in the city and the post office is incompetent.

I'd like to think its #2. In college, I never received a birthday check my Dad mailed to my dorm room and yet it got cashed. Sneaky USPS!

In all seriousness, this reeks of irony. I'm at my most single self and here I am, confronted by a 99 page catalogue that sells "Future Mrs. So & So" everything from rhinestone pins to the ever-so-classy Britney Spears-inspired, velour jogging suit.

I turned away from the catalogue, opened up my laptop and started to type.

Irony at its best - or just a mailing label fluke.

Either way, I suppose I should be relieved that I didn't receive "Modern Senior Living Magazine".


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