What's your "type"?
A tall brawny man who does manly things like change light fixtures, carry boxes, and flex his guns? "Which way to the gun show, ladies?"
Or a quiet book-type who spends afternoons indoors reading, relaxing, and soul searching.
Perhaps you go for a mixed bag. Large guns, big brain, strong attitude and sense of self.
As women, we're inundated with images of what we "should be". In magazines, on television, movies. Even our friends around us force us to stay ahead of the curve with the latest fashions, fragrances, designers.
What "should be" also comes in other forms. Travel (wait, you haven't been to Paris yet?), dining out at hip restaurants, and being the cool kid - think grade school. And not the years where you ate paste (that is in fact not cool at all).
In my most dysfunctional relationships (and now I'm talking about all relationships - not just limited to tools), I found myself second guessing myself. I was immediately concerned with my exterior and seeing how I stacked up to others.
Now you can argue that some of this has to do with self confidence. If you eat paste, maybe you could work a bit on your social skills (or at the very least your palate). And we do in fact build self confidence as we get older and learn more about who we are, what we stand for, and what we simply wont allow.
But most recently I've found myself in a situation where I am accepted (and loved) exactly as I am. No fancy designers, no extra blush or lip gloss, just pure simple single girl. Have I stopped doing some of the things that I did before like wear cute tops and jeans (the single girl uniform)? Nope.
But I have cut back on the things I realize now that I just didn't like. For example, I hate wearing high heels. I mean really hate. They're uncomfortable and I'm already almost six feet tall. Why should I shove my pudgy toes in a less than comfortable shoe?
All I'm saying here is do a little self inventory. If no one was around and it was just you. Who would you want to be? What would you want to do with your life? How would you change your decisions moving forward if no one told you what to (or not) do?
Maybe you'll discover a new you.
Maybe you'll discover you love every detail.
Maybe you'll pick up and move to a new country.
Or maybe you'll find out that some minor change can make a world of a difference.
Single girl suggests you find out.