Saturday, May 30, 2009

Please, Don't Keep Me...

First off, do not sit around waiting like this woman did. Clearly the guy was just not that into her.

Last night (Friday) I had a really fantastic first date. He was handsome, incredibly smart, funny and a whole lot of other things.

My last post highlighted insecurities we face before the first date - but I didn't even scratch the surface on what happens after the date is over.

If you meet someone and hit it off you're excited for sure. You end the night with a sense of accomplishment, "Yes, there are normal people in this world" you think to yourself. You head home floating, hair still looking flawless, and ready to call it a night. A good one.

The morning comes and while still slightly floating (possibly from the numerous glasses of champagne you shared) you start your day with a series of questions;

Did he like me? Will he call me? Did I wear the right thing? (See this post for more on that). Some of the strongest women can hold their own in this world (me) but still wonder what will happen the days after you part.

The waiting game is hard. It's tedious. It's silly but somehow necessary. If he called you 30 minutes after you walked to your door you might think him to be a bit needy. If he didn't call you for a week you might be needing him when really you could care less. As women, we likely won't be satisfied either way.

I don't believe in rules. Kissing on the third date does not a long-term commitment make - nor does going crazy on the first night. I guess I'm just saying no matter what decisions we make we'll still be faced with the waiting. The wanting. We'll still be faced with the inevitable waiting all for the sake of meeting the mate of our dreams and hoping (s)he feels the same.

So don't watch the clock. Don't check your phone ringer. Don't make calls / texts out to your friends to make sure the towers are still in tact. Just enjoy the process, the time between what happened and what's to come.

The universe will sort everything out.


Laura said...

OMG, the image is perfect and I love the statement about making sure the towers are still intact! Great post Kate!

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