Friday, September 11, 2009

Dating Slang

When you were in high school, what were your dating buzz words?

It's possible you used sports to explain your relationship progress;
"Last night Joe and I went to 1st base. It was rad."

Or perhaps in your college years you used the old reliable;
"My head hurts. I can't believe Dan and I hooked up".

If you're my younger cousin, you're using big words that single girl doesn't really understand; "We're not exclusive. We're only in a textationship."

When we're dating, we become tied to labels. When do we consider ourselves to be exclusive? At what point do we classify our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. Does hooking up mean that we aren't seeing anyone else or that we just had too many beers.

I've always been a single girl that puts it out there. I'm terribly honest and straight forward when it comes to communicating with friends and especially with the opposite sex. One thing I'm learning is that labels don't really mean anything except to the people that make them.

I could run up and down the streets of Chicago saying, "I have a boyfriend! I have a boyfriend!". But if the boyfriend doesn't feel the same, or understand what that means to me, then I pretty much just look like an idiot. (Single girl looked like an idiot last week running down Michigan Avenue and tripping in front of 50 tourists)

Labels = Communication

If you want exclusivity, be clear about it. If you only want to hook up then go for it. But also allow things to happen naturally. Classifying or labeling a relationship 2 weeks in has disaster written all over it. And always having to ask "what does this mean?" usually means that you have no clue where things are and/or where they're going.

Take a peek at other dating slang terms here and here.

I'll be trying to understand what people mean when they give someone the "Sailor's elbow".

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hello Old Friend...

Single girl has been keeping busy the last few weeks of summer. It's Labor Day weekend and this morning I cooked brownies, did three loads of laundry, paid all my bills, and slept til 11 a.m. Figure that one out!

The Fall is slowly coming into swing, leaves changing colors and falling gracefully to the ground. On Friday evening I shared $3 beers with a friend outdoors and talked about how quickly the summer came and went - and how the cold days were quickly approaching.

Our conversation moved to dating, as most conversations do. We talked about the idea that as the cold weather comes in people find themselves compelled to find a mate for impending snow and sleet. She mentioned they try and find someone before we start the battle of the bulge during the holidays. We're all tan and thin now from being outdoors and active. Right around the corner is a beer belly and carb loading.

I'm excited for what's to come in the upcoming months. When I moved into my place last year it was a week or so shy of Christmas and I spent the holidays without furniture - I did manage to put up my tree and buy a sofa.

I hope this holiday / cold season brings nights in front of the fire, room temperature red wine, cooking dinner, and (fingers crossed) lots of smooching.

The Fall and Winter are like an old friend who you sometimes forget. But you always remember them when they come back around. You're appreciative of their colors, scents, their feelings. And you welcome them with open arms knowing their appearance is inevitable and over time you'll learn to love them again.

Single girl says here's to a fantastic Fall and cold nights indoors somewhere warm.

Oh, and lots of smooching.