Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tea for errr.... One?

Being single has its drawbacks. For example, happy hour at the local pub is just too challenging. A buy one get one free on pints can easily get very messy when every time I order one, a lovely bar tender brings me another. What to do, what to do...

In all seriousness, the power of one is sometimes lacking. Now don't get all bent out of shape. As a single woman, I am powerful. I'm strong (half ironman this Sunday!) and confident, and at my worst I'm honest, open, and humble.

But as a single girl trying to purchase furniture? I am hopeless - and incredibly clumsy.

I've had my eye on a gorgeous, dark, tall dresser from World Market. If this dresser was a date, he'd be taking me out for a night on the town. I know, it's just furniture. Single girl makes her own fun.

So I've been eyeing this dresser but it was a bit pricey. I've been checking Craigslist every day to see if someone is selling a used version of it but alas, nothing. So Monday, I went on to the website to see if by chance it had gone on sale. Score! Dresser is $199 instead of $299. I call the store, speak to a nice lady who reserves it for me, and plan to pick it up after work. If only dating were that easy. Pick up the phone, put on hold, pick it up after work. Single girl is feisty today.

I go to pick up the dresser after work and this large (kinda cute) World Market stock boy comes out with this HUGE box on a rolling thing-a-ma-jig and says, "Where do you want this?". Oh dear.

I pull my car around to the elevators, he (not-so-easily) puts the dresser in my trunk, almost buckling underneath it and I ride off with the tail end of my car closer to the street. Low rider!

I arrive home and realize there's no way I can get this thing from my car, through the parking lot, and into my place. I retreat to the apartment, crack open a beer and watch TV. The next day I think, well why not take one piece at a time upstairs. With a purchase like this, odds are I'll have all of the parts in my apartment by middle of next week.

It's day #4 and I'm about 60% there. It's gone well - barring me dropping one of the boxes in the parking lot after a run this morning. I hope I still have my receipt.

So what's the lesson of this super long furniture story? Shop at IKEA and buy light, compact furniture?

No, ask for help.

And if no one is around or there's no wheelie thingy to throw your new purchase on, don't be embarrassed that you can't do it alone. Even if we can't tackle a big project, a goal, a dream, a problem in one fell swoop, we can still take pride in taking our time, moving one piece at a time until finally we pull everything together and have something perfectly beautiful.



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