Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Girl's Best Friend

This morning, the #1 man in my life (my dog Bernard - no that is not a picture of him but who can resist the cuteness that is Mr. Winkles?) and I headed to the north side of the city ready to take on a 5k walk to benefit the Anti Cruelty Society. The Anti Cruelty Society is what connected me to my #1 guy. I will be eternally grateful. Had I not brought home the cutest rescue mini poodle, I would've likely rescued and brought home the cutest tool.

After my last relationship there was a void for sure. I took close to a year off from dating in an effort to "rebake my bread". The first few dating experiences back "out there" were rough. I wasn't really sure what I wanted and was striking out trying to find it.

I visited my sister on the west coast for some girl time; shopping, beer, more shopping, eh... more beer. Roughly 2 hours in to our first shopping extravaganza I mentioned to her that I was contemplating getting a dog. I explained that I really wasn't interested in dating right now but really wanted a companion.

Thus began the four and a half month mission to find the man of my dreams. In April I found Bernard and have been in love ever since. He's a lot of responsibility (like most men I've dated) and when the bill comes for dinner I'm always throwing down the cash (also like most men I've dated). He doesn't have a job (I won't even go there) but he works overtime greeting me at the door when I come home, giving me hugs and love anytime I need it.

He doesn't tell me that I've put on a few pounds, he likes all of my music, and I never have to put the toilet seat down after him. I do have to clean up his poop but hey ladies, if you were doing that in a previous relationship you have other things to think about than how to fill the void.

The purpose of going on and on about my dog is that 1) he's awesome, don't be jealous and 2) loneliness, feeling incomplete, or any other not so great feeling can in fact be resolved through things other than a guy.

Guys are amazing. But a long run, a home cooked meal, a good read, a night with the girls, or whatever floats your boat can do you just fine.

So find your best friend; person, place, or thing.


Laura said...

Love, love, love this post. Did I say love?

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