Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lipstick On a Pig

Wikipedia says "To put "lipstick on a pig" is a rhetorical expression, used to convey the message that making superficial or cosmetic changes is a futile attempt to disguise the true nature of a product."

True nature of a product indeed.

Today's post includes a word of advice to the guys. I don't think I have a huge following from them yet (give it time).

Guys, your actions have reactions. What you say to a woman ultimately will elicit a response from her whether it be good or bad. If you put something out there that is offensive, disrespectful, and crass not only will you never hear back from her - you'll also never hear back from any woman or find a woman that will want to commit to you for the long haul.

Every day I am shocked to meet a guy that still hasn't picked up on this concept. Or to share a conversation with a girlfriend who has encountered the same.

Rule 1: Don't be a tool. If you're trying to sleep with a girl, do not solicit her. Even if you do it in the most Billy D Wiliams kind of way we can see right through it.

Rule 2: Don't put it all out there. Sometimes your deepest, darkest thoughts are scary and will cause us to run for the hills

Rule 3: Don't be Houdini. If you disappear for weeks don't conveniently reappear and ask us out as if nothing ever happened and we're still "all good"

Rule 4: Don't try and change the past. If you have done something to turn us off to you it will be very (stress the very) difficult to turn us back on. Once girls are "done" they're for the most part "done".

So a word of advice if I may to the Porky Pigs, Hamptons, and cross-dressing miss piggies; Don't try and dress it up. Don't try and cover up who you really are with a failed attempt to woo us when you've already let us down.

Reprogram your M.O. Come to us with honesty, respect, and a sincere willingness to get to know us as people - not as pieces of meat.

Chew on that.


Laura said...

This is one of my favorites yet! I like #2...also good advice for the ladies, but I don't think we often remind men of this one. Have I told you how much I love your blog? :)

happy girl said...

Yes, we should call out those "run for the hills" moments so they don't share them with the next girl!

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