Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You gotta have faith...

In life and specifically love, there are times when we umm... lose our faith?

I've fallen hard, flat on my face for some of the most amazing guys and at the end of the day I've been disappointed to have loved and lost.

But tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all. Who said that?
I went online and Googled it: Alfred Lord Tennyson in 1850. Wow, old school. Even this guy knew that love hurts, and it can be a rough experience, but at the end of the day you just have to go for it.

When I was in high school I wrote in a journal all the time, every day. Yes these were actual journals where I used this thing called a pen. I tried it a couple of weeks ago and was amazed how quickly my hand began to hurt.

After every journal entry when I was younger I would sign my entries with "be true to yourself. Experience all that is possible". Thought provoking isn't it? At 15 or 16 years old I was already aware that were plenty of things in life to experience and through those experiences you have to remain committed to who you are, stand up for what you believe in, and never (and I really mean never) change what you believe to please others.

In love these words are easier said than done. When we lose love we find ourselves left to pick up the pieces and at a crossroads of decisions. Do we get "back out there?" and try and find love again? Or do we stay indoors, watching t.v. feeling slightly unhappy but content with the safety of our every day routine.

I'm not here to make the decision for you. I'm here only to say losing love is tough. But loving is... yeah, you know, awesome.

Tennyson was eloquent like a leather-bound journal with perfect penmanship. I'm me. This is who I am. A blogger who makes jokes about love and loss and is too lazy to hand write my thoughts. So in the spirit of not being eloquent, I'd like to end the evening with a quote from a very influential man in history. Please feel free to hum along:

"Before this river becomes an ocean
Before you throw my heart back on the floor
Oh baby I reconsider
My foolish notion
Well I need someone to hold me
But I'll wait for something more - - -
Yes I've gotta have faith..."

Be true to yourself. Experience all that is possible.


Laura said...

I love this! And George Michael is under-rated. This blog post started my day off well! Thanks Kate!

Andraya said...

Last year I developed what I call my 'faith ladder'. Ultimately I wanted to express/attract more love in my life and decided that my practice of jumping head first into 'loving' wasn't quite working out. So here's what I came up with (read from the bottom up):
4.Love (be it, do it, get it)
3.Patience (be open and receptive)
2.Trust (let go)
1.Faith (know)

I'm keeping the faith as the foundation. Thanks for sharing :)

happy girl said...

Andraya - Your rose-colored glasses suit you and are well prescribed. Your fresh perspective on love and life is always a treat to be shared. Thanks :)

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