Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sexy Is As Sexy Does...

In this months issue of Women's Health magazine, an article asks men "What is Sexy?"

I've always thought sexy is more of a state of mind, a certain comfort in your own skin. Guys I've dated have said I'm sexy at the most inopportune times; cooking dinner, reading something with my glasses on, or even brushing my teeth.

The men surveyed indicated that there are things women do that are in fact not sexy at all; wearing high heels they simply can't walk in, rocking entirely too much make-up, and also showing too much skin in public.

My friend and I always joke about our single girl "uniform" of jeans and a cute shirt. It's a classic staple when going out - and when the event calls for it we may even break out jeans and a "cuter shirt".

When I've felt my sexiest it has been usually at a vulnerable moment. A time when I am truly myself, and completely comfortable. As women, we may think we know what's sexy but at the end of the day you just have to be you and know that some amazing guy will like you just as you are - and will find every quirky thing you do sexy.

I'm curious if the guys do in fact agree with this survey. What's the sexiest thing your girlfriend does? And ladies, what puts you over the edge (in a good way of course) about your guy?


Halahblue said...

As kid I was a tom boy...but the kind of tom boy who wore lip gloss and hair spray to go play in the dirt.

I mention that only because I think it relates a lot to what men think is sexy. I've had many a guy friend insist that they "hate makeup" on women. Truth is what they meant was that they hate Too Much makeup. They rarely even realized a girl was wearing makeup when they looked pretty and not like a hooker-in-training.

A woman is comfortable, confident, and doesn't mind playing in the dirt after her lip gloss is on is the kind of woman I would call sexy.

(and of course a woman who reads!)

happy girl said...

Halablue - true indeed!

A comfortable, confident woman can thrown down with the guys and be a total lady with the girls. Being comfortable in your own skin. Truly sexy.

Oh yes, reading a is a good thing too ;)

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