Thursday, May 21, 2009

(No More) Runnin' On Empty

Last night I was out for my evening run, down Michigan Avenue in the (semi) summer heat. Side note; the single girl pants are fitting more loosely these days. Less single girl days out more single girl hitting the pavement.

Running down the street dodging cars, I approached the Art Institute and glanced over at the steps. Normally you'd see the accidental tourist, high school kids posing for prom, and a few people from the suburbs staring at maps of the scary subway.

But this evening there was someone different.

A guy in jeans and a t-shirt sat on the steps looking around anxiously - left then right. He was waiting for someone, nervous, and not sure what would happen next. My eyes looked down for a moment and caught sight of something in his arms. He was holding (under a vice grip) a dozen roses wrapped in green paper tied with a simple bow.

He was waiting for love. He had traveled all the way downtown, to the steps of the Art Institute, and put himself in the most vulnerable position (between two lions) waiting for (hopefully) an amazing woman to show up with open arms.

In an instant my spirit was lifted and I thought back to an earlier conversation that I had with a friend, complaining about how I'm the only single girl left in the world. Yes, it was one of those days.

This was the motivation I needed. Not only did I finish my run 5 minutes faster than my normal time I also felt like I was being given a fresh set of "rose colored glasses".

When I passed the steps on my way home he was gone. I hoped with all of my heart that the girl he was waiting for showed up and that he didn't get stood up. Probably more for my sake than his.

To receive love you have to give love. And for someone to find you, you have to put yourself out there. So here's to the guys that are still out there, braving the rough city streets to wait on steps - between two lions - for love.

p.s. If you're out there "guy waiting on the steps" and she never showed up, email me.


Michelle E. Vásquez, MS, LPC said...

Kate, I'm so glad you posted this story and I hope it inspires others to take the leap of faith and put themselves out there to find love.

Laura said...

This story is so inspiring - there are just as many guys out there looking for love as there are girls - just decent people who want to be happy. You are great at telling a story that makes people laugh and think at the same time.

I just gave you a little award - come by to pick it up! :)

KPF said...

Great post Kate!

happy girl said...

Michelle - Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully others will find it inspiring and will reacquaint themselves with "waiting on the stairs" for love :)

Andraya said...

Great post Kate. I'm definitely keeping my 'rose colored glasses' on:) You're absolutely right too, in order to draw love into your life you have to actively put love in circulation. What goes around comes around.

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