Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Get Out There Single People!

On Sunday after a painfully long run, I met a few friends from my old job for mexican and margaritas in Lakeview. One of the friends I see roughly once a year (she has kids, a busy social life, and our schedules never seem to sync up) and the other friend I chat with on the phone and email frequently.

After lunch and a "big as my head" margarita we began talking about our dating lives. One of my friends indicated she wasn't seeing "anyone special". I thought, why spend your time seeing someone if they're not special? Do people really date luke warm partners just because they'd rather not be alone.

Get out there single people! There's like a million babies born a minute. Wait - that didn't come out right. What I'm saying is there's always another guy or girl ready, waiting in the wings for a date with YOU!

Dating feels like a damp towel lately. Smelly, heavy, and awkward. Here our some of my personal thoughts on ways men acan revive the dating scene and bring back the fun, flirtation, and (hopefully) get the girl:

- Flowers on the First Date: I asked my male friend why goes don't do that anymore. He said because it shows that you're too interested. Huh?

- Bringing Anything on the First Date (Part Deux): My friend said flowers on the first date or chocolate (love it!) indicate that you're trying too hard. Ok so here's the thing with trying too hard. Women think you're trying too hard if they don't like you. If you're the s%&@, have a good job, education, romantic, insert other quality, then they will be blown away by such a kind gesture.

- The Spontaneous Dip: Do you remember the old black and white movies where the guy would grab his gal (yes, they were called gals back then) and dip her in the middle of the street to passionately kiss her? THAT is what first kisses should be like. They should sweep you off your feet. Poo poo on guys that aren't comfortable with PDAs.

- The Next Day Call: I went out with girlfriends last week (single girl jeans are gettin' tight again!) and one of my friends mentioned the 7 day rule. What is this! Guys have some rule where they wait 7 days before they call? Oh and one of my friends searched the obituaries after not hearing from her date.

I think you hear what I'm saying. Gone are the days where you wait 7 days to show you're interested. Showing up at the door with your cell phone in hand - is out. Jeans and tees at the local pub for a first impression is just bad form.

If you're interested tell us! By the time 7 days pass we assume you're not interested (or dead) and we've already moved on. Texting your homies while you're on a date with us is rude. And offering to buy me an Irish Car Bomb or something that explodes when you drop it in my cup does not romance make.


Laura said...

LOVE the new format! Once again, giving balanced and witty advice. Love the damp towel analogy...did your friend really search the obituaries? lol.

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