Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'll never love you again... Okay one more time

Temptation is a bitch.

And when you meet someone who steals your heart and you fall hard, it can be difficult (impossible even) to stay away from them once the relationship ends.

Admit it.
You've gone back before.
Maybe a few times.

You learned the hard way.
Maybe you're still learning.
Single girl won't judge.

I have an old friend that I have known for 10+ years. He and I have a ton of history both good and bad and while we've never had a normal relationship, we've always shared a connection that is undeniably strong.

An undeniably strong connection can be a good thing (love) and a bad one (dysfunction).

Sometimes when we know someone is wrong for us we want them even more. If they're a tool plain and simple, then we know better. It's the gray area where we have to figure out what to do.

For me, ending a relationship has been for the most part cut and dry. But there were times in my life where I knew a relationship was not going to end well and I continued to participate. Don't judge single girl. I make mistakes too.

You may identify with this feeling. Single girl dates guy who will never commit. Single girl hopes she can prove her value and somehow change his mind. Single girl is amazing but stupid single boy never realizes it. Single girl moves on.

In relationships, convincing someone to love you shouldn't be something you have to deal with. Don't get me wrong. You should be your best self when you meet someone. Take a shower. Wear deodorant. But don't convince someone to like you.

You're amazing.
And single girl knows just how amazing you are.

If you are in this situation you might want to make a decision on your limits. How much of stupid single boy will you put up with before you say "no more"? If you're approaching your limit get ready for a crossroads. You'll be forced to choose soon whether or not to stay or go.

Sometimes the hardest things and the right things are the same.

Single girl will be here when you're ready.


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