Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh, Jealousy

Single girl is up early this Saturday morning. Its raining outside, and of course Bernard is on a walk schedule at 6:45 a.m.

While drinking my morning double short Americano and sugar free oatmeal (whats really the point then?) I stumbled across the most interesting article about jealousy and social networking.

Ive talked about social networking in the past. Remember the entry about the woman who set up a fake user profile on Facebook to test her boyfriend and his level of commitment? If you didn't read it, you can check it out here.

Anyway, this article was about a study of 300 people ages 17-24 (granted its sort of towards the younger end). The study tried to identify if social networks like facebook make us jealous or if they bring out the true jealousy that's already in us.

For example, lets say single girl is dating someone serious (here's hoping!). Single girl friends her serious guy on Facebook and then sees he has friended many females that single girl has never met, hasn't heard of, etc.

Single girl turns green.

But is single girl green because of his behavior? Or has single girl always had doubts and now they're just coming to the surface?

Jealousy is a slippery slope my friends.

Its like a ride that you don't want to get on but when you do you're like "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" and then you get off and you feel horrible. Vomit.

You're embarrassed about your behavior (no one said to yell and scream). Your actions are crazed, irrational, and had you waited maybe 5 minutes and let the feelings pass, you likely would've skipped the ride altogether and binged on a funnel cake. (Single girl is clearly hungry).

For me, jealousy has always been rooted in a previous experience. I don't think we are born jealous people. Its the experiences and breakups, (and really just the tools) that create insecurities that cause us to question other people.

Now that's not to say its all in our head. If you know me well, you know that intuition is a mother and you should follow it.

Here's my thought on this topic:

I just cant say for certain that there's a right answer here. I can say though, next time you decide to peruse your boyfriends Facebook page to see what women he's friended, identify why you're doing it first. Is their an existing issue that you want to confirm or are you really just bored.

You can read the full article here.


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