Thursday, August 6, 2009

Love Is...

Last night I went for a semi-long run after work. Running is my activity of choice these days. Dating pool is apparently being drained or something so I've been filling my time with a love affair with the pavement. I think its getting serious.

And on a side note, while running with my mouth open (it's gross I know, a bad habit I'm aware of and trying to break) I swallowed two gnats. Single girl apparently needs to increase her caloric intake. Pants don't fit and I'm eating bugs.

10 minutes into my run, the most amazing song popped up on my playlist. The theme song from Rocky.

It was like I was transformed. My pace picked up, my strides were longer, and if I'm not mistaken I think I ran up a huge flight of stairs and threw my hands up in the air (see picture above). I might have even yelled out "Adrienne!" but I'm not sure.

I thought how finding love can yes, be like the theme to Rocky.
(No, single girl is not going crazy she's just getting more creative)

I thought if I had added this song to my playlist and forced it to play heading out the door, it would never have the same appeal as it did when it surprised me 10 minutes into my run. It would never be as seamless and perfect as it had been yesterday.

It's just like a relationship that we try and make work. Or a first date we try and turn into a 2nd or 3rd. Guy never calls. Girl never gives up.

My thoughts on love, first dates, relationships:

Let them be the surprise track in your playlist. Don't search through your 100gig iPod trying to coerce them and get them to repeat. It's a square peg in a round hole. You have to wait for it... wait for it...

When you least expect it, you'll be out on the trail, fire coming out of the back of your shoes and your theme song will walk right up to you and it will be pure perfection.


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