Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Head Over Heels

Every day we learn something new about ourselves. Why just the other day I learned that wearing my hair in a side bun with a dangley earring is actually very flattering for my face.

On a more serious (but not as entertaining) note, I'm also learning more about relationships. What I want from them, what I loathe. I'm learning all along the way things that I'm willing to put up with and others that I won't tolerate for more than a minute.

I've dated the guy with the big muscles, the too-cool attitude, and the mama's boy who will do anything for her, with her, and if they weren't blood related, would spend the rest of his life with her.

I've learned that I'm sort of old-fashioned. Gasp! I know, you wouldn't expect single girl to be a little bit more on the traditional side. I like doors being opened for me, flowers on first dates, and guys that call (or email) to tell me they had a great time and look forward to seeing me again.

I've learned I don't like drama. Unless we're on the big screen and have make-up artists and hair stylists, I don't care for emotional roller coasters and guessing games - wandering through mirrored mazes trying to figure out if it's me or him, if he's really into me, and what each and every one of his actions means.

I've learned that love comes in different packages. Plain boxes with simple bows. A gift that I'll appreciate all that it has to offer on the inside and not how sleek and shiny the paper is on the outside.

I've learned I want someone who is head over heels for me. Who every morning wakes up and thinks, "I'm so lucky and happy to have this person in my life". And right after he makes me a double short americano, I'll think the same.

I've learned that what you put out there is what you get back. And if we walk around negative, hating life, regretting love, we'll surround ourselves with energy and that will be obvious to others around us. Offensive even.

I've learned that at the end of the day, I'll be patient. And that these things I want and have learned will find me. And until then, I'll keep learning. Every day a new experience, a new obstacle to overcome...

Maybe today you'll learn something about yourself that makes you feel stronger, smarter, or more beautiful. Or maybe (at the very least) you'll learn that ________ is your signature color.


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