Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Single Girl Rides

Two weeks ago I bought a new bike. It was basically as much as my mortgage. Ouch. Single girl needs to work on a budget.

I rode my shiny new Giant Defy home on Monday and it was awesome. The wind in my hair, the sounds of the city, and the calories burning with every RPM.

About 20 minutes into my ride I barely dodged a taxi driver swerving to make a left hand turn - from the far right lane.

Then a lovely gentleman spilled his entire cup of coffee out of his window, just as I passed his car. He should've yelled first. There should be some universal sound for "I'm throwing my coffee out of my window so you better watch out 'cuz this stuff is hot!".

Riding along the streets of the windy city gives me such a sense of empowerment, strength... bad ass. I swerve between cabs and buses. I stop in the pedestrian crossing areas, and I get all lance armstrong on the drivers of Chicago.

When single girl ran 6-7 days a week, I also felt the same way. A back injury and three months of physical therapy have forced me to pursue other athletic interests. I've fallen in love with riding and as a result have signed up for a triathlon.

Falling in love with an activity or hobby can be an exciting experience. It can also be expensive. Bikes are not cheap!

But stumbling across something that excites you, something you look forward to, (outside of another person) is freeing. You can go to it whenever you want, spend 7 days a week with it - we won't judge! Part of your new love for [biking, swimming, running, knitting] is that it embraces you, it doesn't reject, and it just makes you feel good.

I'm 1 week into my training (6 days a week no less) and I feel better than ever. Strong, confident, cool like Lance. On a side note, single girl is ridiculously hungry all the time. Woke up at 4 a.m. and could've consumed at least a medium pepperoni pizza.

More training updates? They're comin'!

Play-by-play eating habits? Eh, maybe not.


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