Sunday, May 16, 2010

Single Girl Fall Down, Go Boom.

A week or so ago I went to the Cubs game on a Saturday afternoon. En route to the ballpark I was feeling incredibly optimistic. The wind blowing in my hair / helmet (or helmet hair really), a beautiful sunny day in Wrigleyville, and the sounds of the beer vendors offering refreshing Old Style. Warm days in Chicago are unbeatable.

Roughly one block away from the park a car stuck in traffic decided to abandon their ride and walk one block to the park while the driver parked the car. They opened their door on me. No, I wasn't doored.

I was a quick thinking single girl, and I swerved to avoid the mishap. What I did not know was that (in true Cubs traffic fashion) there was another car a foot in front which I not-so-gracefully plowed into the back of. Rubber met bumper and I was thrown over the handlebars, head first into a rear windshield, followed by a graceful roll onto the ground. 

Damages were minor, with the exception of a slashed leg and slightly bruised jaw (nothing a little concealer can't cover up). But the feeling I had lingered for days after.

The passenger blamed me ("There's no bike lane here lady!") and the woman whose car I dove into cleaned me up with Neosporin, band-aids, and a bottle of water. "Can you tell I'm a mom?" she said. "Amen for you," I said and hobbled off to the game.

The point of this story is 1) watch out for d-bags who open their doors in the middle of traffic in Wrigleyville, and 2) be prepared that in life we can get doored at any moment (or thrown off our smooth ride head first into a suburban woman's car).

In all seriousness...

The ride I've been on recently has been amazing. It has taught me things about myself, things about others, that I can feel a certain way and not be completely jaded by my past experiences. My most recent ride has been inspiring and has renewed my faith in the good in people. 

My ride ended abruptly.

It was a shock at first. I couldn't believe what had happened. I was stunned.
And then I realized what had happened, and I was crushed.

I'm still recovering and mending my wounds. Still a faded mark but almost fully healed.

Would I have avoided my ride knowing that it may not end perfectly? Should I have opted to stay home and feel safe, protected, and sheltered from the world. 

Absolutely not.

I was strong. I opened myself up to the possibilities of an amazing experience...
And I found one.

Single girl pulls herself up. Wipes the dirt and gravel off of her bike.
She gets back on, straightens her helmet (for protection) and rides off. 

I don't know what I'll ride onto next.
But I know I'll keep going.


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