Friday, May 28, 2010

Talk nerdy to me

Do you know who Clark Warren is? I'll give you a minute. Go ahead. Google it even. 

Yes, he is the founder of and also the creator of the infamous eHarmony questionnaire that tries to match couples based on similar interests, values, and all that hubbub.

Here's a fun fact; Did you know that on average, 236 eHarmony members marry every day which accounts for 2% of U.S. marriages? I tried to find the divorce rate of those members but was sadly, unsuccessful.

The purpose of the introduction to Mr. Warren is a recent piece of information that he shared about compatibility. Chew on this:

"A couple needs to be within one standard deviation of each other in intelligence" (that's 10 points in either direction for all you non-brainiacs out there).

That explains why my ex-boyfriend of 6 years didn't last. Well that, and his unique ability to lead a double life for 5 1/2 of those years. But I digress...

So how do we define intelligence? 

Psychology today says that "reading a road map upside-down and generating synonyms for the word "brilliant" are two very different skills but each is a measurable indicator of general intelligence".

On my most recent road trip with a great love, we struggled to navigate the streets of Central America in an economy grade 4WD and me, a (sort of) bilingual city girl. Did our inability to "gire a la izquierda en la tienda" lead to the demise of our relationship only months later? Or were we just two directionally challenged lost gringos?

I discovered the other day that exercise is the only thing that builds brain cells. But once we build them, is it a case of “if you don't use it, you lose it”? Or can I simply run 26.2 and be the next Albert(a) Einstein (think less mustache, more make-up, and a slightly sexier lab coat).

If this is in fact true, that compatibility lives within one standard deviation of intelligence, then I say all future prospects must submit to me an IQ test and scores.

I declare that our compatibility is found in simpler things like our core values, an outlook on life, our ability to love and perhaps most importantly, our willingness to communicate… everything.

Perhaps my true loves intelligence is within two standard deviations of mine (gasp!) and we’ll never experience joy because Dr. Warren says we’re just not a fit. For shame!

The more peculiar thing is that I tried eHarmony for a month or so. I met a very nice person who turned out to be looking for very different things and our standard deviation becomes exponentially larger than I had ever imagined.

I have to believe that my future love is not dependent on meeting the guy that can read maps

And if I’m wrong about all of this? Then your ability to know if a train leaves from station A headed to station B with 100 gallons of gasoline will arrive before dinner time is imperative to the success of our courtship, our engagement, and ultimately our love.

And if you’re interested in testing my theory, please rearrange the following letters to make a word and choose the category in which it fits: RAPETEKA

a. city
b. fruit
c. bird
d. vegetable

(It took me 17 seconds.)

- Single Girl


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