Friday, May 7, 2010


When I get into a running groove, my tongue sticks out of the corner of my mouth. The strange stares along the running path remind me to: 1) open mouth; 2) push tongue back in; 3) continue cardio; 4) repeat if necessary.

When I get really focused on a project I look very angry. It's not uncommon for a stranger walking down the street to tell me "Smile!". I'm knocked out of focus (and slightly annoyed because now I'm distracted) and I give them an innocent smirk that says, "thanks person I've never met before.  Oh, and BTW mind your business".

Does your mood affect your attractiveness?

When I'm sad I look tired. A sleep-deprived single girl requires a good spackling of under eye concealer and an even better blow out.

When I am feeling positive and happy, the energy is undeniable. My danish knees (I'm not danish but my knees look like pastry rolls) are thin and athletic. My split ends run for the hills, and my teeth shine like pearls.

My size 10 frame becomes that of a super model and I am flawless.

How do we control the visual impact of our emotions? When we are sad should we hold back tears so no one knows we're struggling? When we're angry should we throw things and yell?

I think it's unhealthy to lock these feelings away. To hide from the world what we're really going through can build up and cause emotional explosions. Holding things in not only creates internal turmoil but when you do finally explode (or implode, no judgement if that's how you roll), there is an aftershock, there are casualties, and there is damage that can never be undone.

But will you see me throwing myself down on the floor in self-pity?


Disclaimer: I said you won't see me. It could happen. But trust me when I say, you won't see it.

So go ahead.

Cry/Yell/Scream/Laugh/Shout it out.

We'll look the other way and be here when you're done.


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