Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Serial Dater

First dates are plentiful.

Long term commitments are few and far between.

The serial dater is a man to be feared. He's (usually) tall, dark, and handsome and has a certain "I'm a good guy but give me one week of not calling you and you'll want me more for some weird reason" air about him.

He approaches dating with a certain je ne sais quoi that is irresistible and undeniably intriguing.

But beware my precious friends. The serial dater comes with risk.

1. You may wake up one morning and realize you've been dating someone that will never commit. Oh and then you'll head out the door to appear on Maury Povich.

2. You'll find that you're more of yourself when you're with him but you're completely lost when you are without him. And anytime I reference lost in my writing please know that I don't mean this in a romantic way. I mean you really don't know your head from your ass.

3. The serial dater will never be satisfied. You could work out, study, make money, buy new clothes, throw back beers with Ghandi and you would still not be enough woman to win him over.

4. You'll mark your calendar on the dates that you've communicated (usually only by email or text because the serial dater doesn't know how to communicate using his mouth) and/or had an outing to ensure that your relationship is still in fact breathing.

Now before I hop off my soap box (it's quite comfy in fact) may I just say that the serial dater may have a love out there for him.

He may be satisfied with a woman who doesn't believe in marriage (unless he proposes). She will be conveniently noncommittal and will secretly pray at night that he'll realize she's "the one".

I loved a serial dater who held my heart for many years. And at the end of the long road I knew that I was wiser, stronger, slightly skeptical, and had a few more stress lines on my face.

So beware the serial dater and his ability to "woo" for he'll love you always, treat you kindly, but he'll never commit to you.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes... the serial dater...I dated one of those about 2 months ago. Yup...never could talk on the phone or remotely express how he felt without a text or being drunk. Always knew how to pick up the pieces after screwing up, but then would not call for days. Would take me out to the most lavish restaurants, but then would lie about seeing other people. The list goes on, and really just matches everything you said above. At least I know I am not alone. :) Thanks for the wake up call as always!

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