Friday, June 4, 2010

On Online Dating...

Great quote from my good friend in South Florida:

"I mean, the conventional way of meeting people has worked for a lifetime. I don't think we should have to pay to find dates".


Dom Casas said...

When you move into the world of online dating, it is important to know the online dating warning signs. All too often, those who engage in online dating give out far too much personal information, or don’t know the online dating warning signs that can tell them if someone is on the up-and-up. These warning signs can tell you if the person you are speaking with is serious about online dating, or if they are looking for something sinister.

happy girl said...

Thanks for your comment Dokemion! I completely agree. There is a lot of "weeding" involved when it comes to online dating and just online activities in general. I think we should always follow our gut in these situations!

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