Friday, July 31, 2009

Are You the One?

Do you think that there is one person out there that we are meant to be with?

Chew on it. Go ahead. I'll wait while you figure out how you feel about it.

I used to think there was one person. My dating experiences and past loves throughout my teens and twenties tell me this may not be the case.

Let's think about it:

If there was one person meant for us on the earth that would be a completely cruel joke. Whoever put this one person on earth for us would be laughing as we go all across the country (globe even!) trying to find the person that makes us complete.

What if my "one" is a goat herder in some third world country? Herder by day, village idiot by night. Does that mean I'll never truly know love unless I stumble upon him one day? Cruel.

Is it rather the "one for now"?

My boyfriend in 8th grade (and I use the term boyfriend loosely) was shorter than me, not at all my type, and the only thing we really shared was our love for the cafeteria nachos and R&B music.

The one is relative to the situations we're in at that moment. When we're married we've found the one. If that marriage sinks, we look back and say that person just wasn't right for me (or insert other explanation for why it didn't last).

My point here is this:

Is life just a series of experiences to build us up (and occassionally knock us down)? They allow us to learn about who we are, what we love, and what we loathe. For example, I hate beets. They are not "the one" for me.

Are there many "ones" all over the world in different forms ready for us to uncover, unravel, and experience? The "one" doesn't have to take form in a man or woman perhaps. Maybe our "one" is our commitment to family, giving back, working out, [insert your "one" here].

I feel like this is the best answer for why I'm still on my journey. Everything I experience is part of what molds me into the person I am. The "ones" make me smarter, wiser, quicker on the draw.

If I'm totally off on this one (which I could be) I should probably start traveling the globe to try and find the love of my life - and if he'll let me (and he's into me), join his herd.


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