Thursday, July 30, 2009

Say what you mean to say

And here you thought you were getting a blog entry about John Mayer.


No, this is not a tribute to John Mayer and his overdone soulful numbers that appeal to every single girl in the city. On a side note, "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" is one of my all time faves and gets serious airtime on late Saturday nights or early Sunday mornings.

This entry addresses the issue of those that say one thing and then do the other.
Here's what I mean at its simplest form:

If I say I'm interested in learning about the evolution of man - I really am interested in the evolution of man. There's no hidden meaning in my statement. I don't secretly mean that I'm interested in learning about cellular mitosis (single girl can use big words too).

If I say I'm looking for love? I am in fact looking for love.

Every woman has dated a guy who says one thing but does the other. What I'm learning more and more these days is people really do say things just to say them. This is a concept that I remember encountering as a teenager but at the age of 30 we should really have our statements and our subsequent actions in sync.

Last night my friend and I stayed up late talking about how self-actualized we are. Don't laugh. I know, I know. Hard to believe, but single girls can have philosophical nights too.

You know, Maslow's hierarchy of needs? I think Maslow had it all wrong. I know way too much about myself and what I want. I know more than I want to about the guy for me, the girl I want to be, and what's wrong and right. In relationships I over analyze, and I'm completely logical.

I think those that are less self-actualized have it easy. They think less, do more, feel too little. Could it be those that understand themselves less have more opportunities for love? They don't know enough about what they want so any Tom, Dick, or Harry will do?

I wish sometimes I was the girl that just didn't get it. And then I wake up and see how far I've come. How I didn't spend any longer than I needed to in relationship that was headed for "No-Wheresville" (Population: My Ex Boyfriend).

I think I'll be just fine "putting it all out there", saying what I really mean and dealing with the relationship casualties along the way.


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