Thursday, July 2, 2009

Music to my ears

Did you know that someone can be sensory dominant? Like your touch or taste has more impact on you than what you see or hear.

Yeah, okay I totally just made that up but it was pretty believable right? It sort of makes sense.

We have 5 senses (duh) but they are all amazing.

My strongest has to be either smell or sound. It's a toss up. For me the smell of someone or something can trigger memories 20 years back and can send me into another world.

Try it.

Go to the department store and spray a perfume that you used in high school or college. What does it do? It sends you back. It takes you back to warm summer nights, long afternoons outdoors, and time spent with people that were part of your life at some point, changed who you were, and whose actions molded you into the person you are today.

I dare you.

Tonight is a Thursday night (but feels like Friday) girls in. I've got a glass of Pinot and a credit card linked to my itunes account. Dangerous combo if you ask me.

I've got a long list of downloads; Michael Jackson, Spice Girls (yeah, I said it), some Luther maybe? Old school.

Tonight I go back 20 years - okay 15.

Another world.

Find your dominant sense. Go back into time with a great song, a sweet smell, a delicious taste, or a soft touch.

Find the music to your ears (or nose, mouth - you get the point).


Laura said...

Love this! We must be on the same page (shocking!) since my post today was about favorite songwriters! We can discuss more later...

happy girl said...

Look forward to it! Did you break out your Cool Water perfume? :)

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